Urgent situations can occur which require the immediate attention of the University Information Security Office (UISO).
To ensure that resources are brought to bear as quickly as possible, please IMMEDIATELY CALL, no matter what time of day or night or weekday or weekend or holiday, until you get to a human. DO NOT simply leave a message and wait for a return call.
Try in this order:
- UISO Security Operations directly at 812-855-UISO (8476) (9-5 ET, M-F)
- UITS Network Operations Center at 812-855-3699 (24x7)
- UITS Support Center at 812-855-6789 (24x7)
When you reach the Support Center or Network Operations Center, ask staff to contact UITS Data Center Operations so that a PAGE can be sent to the UISO. A representative will then call you back.
Please ALSO REPORT the incident yourself, using one of the following methods: